Forsaken Base
Within one of the clearings in the thick woods, depending on that thickness to act as walls between them and direct Castle attack, is the home of the Forsaken. Building made out of wood, mud, and stone the primitive feel of their settings matches well with the surroundings and only those who know what to look for would spot them in such camouflage. There layout of the base is roughly this, scatted on the edges are small posts built in the trees at the rims of the clearings which act as look out posts. Once the clearing begins properly are a few small newer looking buildings which are usually homes for runaways from the Castle. Further in are large buildings which Forsaken families use, those who have spent their life among the Forsaken as their parents and perhaps even grandparents were. Due to limited space the Forsaken families usually live in extended family groups all in one house. At the center is the largest building of all which serves as home to the Leader and as meeting hall for the heads of the Forsaken to go and discuss the latest issues.